This is a zine about the support functions that made the Anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle possible. The intent was to stress the importance of those functions to any large-scale gathering and to make this information available to anyone that wants to put an event like this together in the future.
- Bahn
- Brandsatz
- Brandstiftung
- Castor
- Demo
- Farbe
- Feuerlöscher
- Funk
- G8
- Glasbruch
- Handschuhe
- Handy
- Internet
- Jagd
- Kameras
- Kleidung
- Kommunikation
- Kommunikationsguerillia
- Kriminalistik
- Krähenfüße
- Lock-ons
- Molli
- Nobelkarossentod
- Observation
- Peilsender
- Plakatieren
- Polizeifunk
- Rauch
- Schlösser
- Schuhe
- Schutz
- Sicherheit
- Sitzblockade
- Sprühen
- Spuren
- Spürhund
- Squat
- Straße
- Strommasten
- Ticketautomaten
- Tripods
- Verkehrsleittechnik
- Zeitzünder
- Überwachung